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Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Moussa Sissoko

In a week where you'd be forgiven for thinking all the press had jumped shipped to Holland, it seems as though another player has found his way into being touted for a move to us. Well, when your playing for Toulouse I'm really not surprised.

Yeah, it's that man Moussa Sissoko. I hear echoes of 'who' being sounded out from all corners of Tottenham. Of course, the Sun reported this story so the authenticity of it is, indeed, questionable.

Apparently all you have to do these days is run to your local journo and say "I would like to play one day in England" then before you know it there's a Premier League club wanting you. So, according to the Sun, Harry is set to up his offer from £12m to £15.5m.

I struggle to see how this 'midfield hard man' would fit into our team, I thought we had one of those in Palacios'. Whether we have that sort of money to spend, without selling anymore players, is also questionable.

So will we sign him? All I'd say is, never try and second guess Harry.



  1. This is old news. He would play alongside WP. If we have to wingers we need authority in the centre of the park. Does this spell the end of JJ?

  2. your blog is so crap. a mixture of copy and pasting other peoples stories and creating your own which are pathetic.

  3. I think your blog is brilliant! Keep up the good work!

  4. What a pointless blog, it says absolutely nothing. Having watched Sissoko play, on Iraq TV, I'm impressed but it was only one game. I was privilaged to watch many a game featuring Dave Mckay and later Ruddock, both invaluable to Spurs cause. Why you have to ask that question I really don't know

  5. Palacios is more of a box-to-box midfielder, whereas Sissoko plays the holding role.

  6. to baggyshorts

    ruddock was a defender not a midfielder so I don't understand your point

  7. Baggyshorts: "What a pointless blog, it says absolutely nothing"

    It's you sort of people that write before you read. Is "Harry is set to up his offer from £12m to £15.5m." not informing you of anything? I then continue to add an opinion.

    Think you could do with a pair glasses mate.


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